10.8.2021 | Uutiset

Syöpäinstituutti hakee kahta post doc -tutkijaa 2-vuotisiin tehtäviin


The Finnish Cancer Institute invites applications for two 2-year postdoctoral cancer researcher positions

We are seeking for dedicated and enthusiastic scientists to support their careers in any area of cancer research. Eligible applicants have a doctoral degree with recent interesting observations and an exciting research plan executed in Finland for the duration of the 2-year position. The positions involve employment at FCI with a salary of € 3500/month and are to commence between November 1, 2021 and January 1, 2022. The positions are named FICAN Cancer Researcher and K. Albin Johansson Cancer Researcher.


The application period is from August 9 to September 30, 2021. Applications are made on a web form at https://fci.nettilomake.fi/.

Required attachments in PDF format are

Research plan (max 5 pages including introduction, aims, implementation, methods, ethical aspects, timetable, study group and estimated budget)
Curriculum vitae (max 2 pages)
List of publications including number of citations received, impact factor of the journal and DOI/link to the publication (max 10 publications). Also, highlight three of the publications and describe why you prefer them and what was your role in those studies.

Deadline for submissions is September 30, 12 pm (EEST)

Evaluation criteria and decisions

FCI’s Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) evaluates the applications against the following criteria:

Scientific quality, significance, and potential impact of the proposal with regard to cancer research
The feasibility of the proposal in terms of the quality of the research environment, resources, current status of project and plans for the 2-year period
Suitability of the applicant for the position including previous research merits considering the applicant’s career stage
Conflicts of interest of reviewers are determined according to the Academy of Finland policies in disqualification of a member of a decision-making body.

The FCI’s Board of Trustees makes decisions based on the evaluation and ranking by the SAB. Decisions are expected in late October at which time all applicants are informed.

More information

Tiina Vesterinen
+358 50 448 7350