15.1.2024 | Uutiset

1.2.2024 iCAN-FICAN seminaari: Delivering cancer research with impact – follow the science, follow the data

Professor Mark Lawler from Queen’s University Belfast will give a talk Delivering cancer research with impact – Follow the science, follow the data on Feb 1st at 12-13 on Zoom.


Please note that contrary to advance information (due to the strike on 1.-2.2.24) the seminar takes place only online. 

Join Zoom Meeting:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/64804986682?pwd=ME8rOVhucnQ5YXE1VVdpck5BN25BZz09 

(Meeting ID: 648 0498 6682 Passcode: 366409) 

The seminar is organised by iCAN and Finnish Cancer Center FICAN